About us

Finnish Association for Sleep Disorders

Finnish Association for Sleep Disorders (FinASD) is an umbrella organisation for various sleep disorder associations in Finland. We offer support, help and information for patients with sleep disorders. Our purpose is also to increase general awareness of the impact of sleep and alertness on quality of life and mental and physical functioning.

FinASD was founded in March 1999. It was founded by patient associations of sleeping problems and sleeping disorders, namely: Levottomat Jalat – Restless Legs ry, Suomen Narkolepsiayhdistys ry (Finnish Narcolepsy Association), Suomen Unettomat ry (Sleepless in Finland), and Suomen Uniapneayhdistys ry (Finnish Association for Sleep Apnea Patients).

Other associations that have later joined FinASD are Epätyypillinen unirytmi ry (Irregular Circadian Rhythm), Helsingin Uniyhdistys ry (Helsinki Sleep Association), Pirkanmaan Uniyhdistys ry (Tampere Region Sleep Association), Turun Uniyhdistys ry (Turku Sleep Association) and Vantaan Uniyhdistys ry (Vantaa Sleep Association).

Members are invited to join into one of the sleep associations of FinASD and thereby participate in the FinASD activities. Members also receive our Journal “Uniuutiset” (News about Sleep) quarterly.

A supporting membership is available for corporate entities who wish to support the FinASD and its work.

We are looking for volunteers to help arrange bilingual peer support groups in English and Finnish (and other languages). Please contact the office for more details.

Take a look at our strategy for 2025.